Squirrel removal from walls

Squirrel Removal from Walls

Squirrel Removal from Walls

Squirrel removal from walls

Squirrel chewed hole in the wall

Squirrel removal from walls can be extremely challenging because they most likely are coming and going. Most people think that because they hear them in wall that they are trapped and cannot escape. Squirrels are extremely good climbers and in most cases if they were able to find there way in they will be able to find there way out.

Once you have identified that you need squirrel removal from walls then it is best to do a quick visual of the exterior roof-line. Look for any holes that could have been chewed by squirrels, gaps in soffit junctions, gaps in roof junctions, gaps around dormer windows and any areas where a squirrel could get into the attic.

If you are unsuccessful from determining a clear entry point on the exterior the next place to look would be the attic. Make sure that you are experienced with walking in the attic. DO NOT go in the attic if you are not aware of the dangers from falling through the ceiling. In this instance you should call a squirrel removal from walls pro.

Make sure you have on protective clothing to ensure insulation will not come in contact with your skin. Also fiberglass insulation can be very harmful to your lungs and it best to use a NIOSH approved respirator. You will also need a flashlight, gloves and protective eye-wear to prevent any fiberglass particles from getting into your eyes.

Now once you have safely entered the attic, shine your flashlight along the surface of the insulation to look for any trails or areas that have been disturbed. If you see small little trails through the insulation most likely it is either from mice or flying squirrels. Most grey squirrels will make wider swaths and over time the insulation will become compressed similar to a dog running back and forth on the grass. Also look for droppings. The size and shape of the droppings will be a leading indicator as to which type of animal you are dealing with.

The final phase of squirrel removal from walls would be the trapping or exclusion. The best method is to install a one way door at the entry point so the animal can exit and then is unable to return. Trapping would be the next best option. Live or euthanasia are both effective. This usually would depend on personal preference as to what they believe to be humane and inhumane.

For all your squirrel removal from walls questions feel free give us a jingle at Charlotte Squirrel Removal. 704-777-8003