Baby Squirrels in Summer

Baby Squirrels

Squirrel Babies Season Charlotte NCOn average gray squirrels have two litters of babies annually. The time of year that seems different from most other animals is the summertime. Typically you would think that the babies would be born in the spring. I must say even as a wildlife operator, it is still surprising every year to pull baby squirrels out of an attic in the middle of the dog days of summer. You will also hear of trees being removed in the summer only to find baby squirrels on the ground that have been displaced. The most common time of year for squirrels to be born is in the spring but that doesn’t mean that you won’t find a litter of squirrel babies when you least expect it. The best thing to do when you find a litter of squirrels is to contact a local wildlife rehab organization or just let the mother come and take care of them. Gray squirrels are notorious for abandoning their young so there are many cases that squirrel babies could go unattended until the either die or become another animals meal.